Welcome, SAINTS PETER AND PAUL ALUMNI! We know you have many fond memories of the school and we would love to hear from you! Here you can find out about what’s going on at your childhood elementary school and catch up with old friends. Please fill out the form below to join our list for important information about reunions, events for alumni at the school, etc.
Alumni and Alumni Parents from the years 1944-Present, don’t forget the annual Partners in Academic Excellence Gala on Saturday, February 9, 2019, at The Reef in Long Beach, CA. Contact us at alumni@sppschool.org with questions.
Alumni Board
Robert Montiel Class of 1994
Jorge Chavez Class of 1995
Marisol (Garcia) Avila Class of 1995
Stephanie Morales Class of 1984
Nicole Campazzie, Development Team
Facebook Information
The Facebook page “Alumni of Saints Peter and Paul School” is filled with information and great blast-from-the-past photos! Check it out! Please also join our “Saints Peter and Paul School, Wilmington” page to see all the wonderful things happening at our school today!